Thursday 28 January 2016


Hai sobat jumpa lagi di artikel saya, kali ini saya akan membahas atau memberikan tips tips bagi anda yang akan menjalankan medikal cekup atau tes kesehatan pada saat agan agan mau masuk kerja.
okey langsung aja gan:
1. biasanya medikal cekup di awali dengan pengukuran tinggi badan dan berat badan mengapa perusahaan menganjurkan test itu ada.? dikarnakan anda akan mengoprasikan alat yang mempunyai standar ketinggian oprator kalo berat badan sih biasanya untuk mengetahui kestabilan darah anda :)
kalo cek tinggi badan ane ga punya tips nya itu mah tidak bisa di ganggu gugat hehe
2. yang selanjutnya biasanya anda di test mata anda yang itu tuh yang suka di tutup mata sebelah itu,tau kan.? tips nya adalah jangan tekan bola mata anda saat mata di tutup sebelah.. dan usahakan tangan yang menutupi mata jangan menempel di kulit yang menutupi bola mata.
3. yang selanjutnya adalah scaner atau rongsen apa lah itu namanya saya ga bisa nulisnya hehe :p dan tips nya adalah jika pas anda melakukan test ini biasanya sang pembina membimbing anda agar menempelkan badan bagian depan ada pada satu benda yang menyerupai kaca atau papan,setelah itu ia akan menekan tombol foto scane nya sbelum sang pembimbing menekannya saya sarankan anda merenggangkan badananda dari benda yang menyerupai kaca tadi kitaran 4 sampai 5cm.
4. kemudian test tensi darah tips nya adalah sebelum anda melalkukan test tersebut anda tidak makan dari malam harinya hingga test itu selesai,
5. test urine atau tes air kencing kalau yang ini anda harus banyak banyak minum air putih atau air susu dari malam sebelum anda test kesehatan ini kawan.
6. yang terakhir nih kawan yang paling penting dalam tes apapun yaitu BERDOA kawan.

Sekian kawan tips dari saya sopian tomcat,moga tips tips ini bermanfaat bagi anda.

Tuesday 26 January 2016


                                                                                                     Sumedang,27 januari 2016

Kepada Yth,
Personalia PT.TOYOTA

Dengan hormat,
       Bersamaan dengan ini,perkenankan saya mengajukan surat lamaran pekerjaan di perusahaan yang bapak/ibu pimpin,berikut saya cantumkan data data pribadi saya seperti berikut :

Nama                            :   Sovyan Tomcat
Jenis kelamin                :   Laki-Laki
Tempat tanggal lahir    :   Sumedang 19 maret 1992
Alamat                          :   Dusun cipacing rt.13/rw.04,desa mekarbakti,kecamatan pamulihan,kabupaten sumedang.
Agama                         :    Islam.
Status Pernikahan        :    Belum menikah.
Pendidikan terakhir     :    SMK.
Nomor Handpone       :    0838255330XX

     Sebagai bahan pertimbangan bapak/ibu pimpinan saya melampirkan beberapa data sebagai berikut :
1  . Pass Foto 4x5                              (dua lembar)
2.   Foto copy KTP                            (satu lembar)
3.   Surat kesehatan                            (satu lembar)
4.   Surat kuning                                (satu lembar)
5.   Daftar riwayat hidup                    (satu lembar)
6.   Foto copy ijazah                          (satu lembar)
7.   Foto copy transkip nilai              (satu lembar)
8.   Foto copy SKHUN                      (satu lembar)
9.   Foto copy sertifikat PKL             (satu lembar) bila perlu
10. Foto copy SKCK                         (satu lembar)

     Demikian lamaran pekerjaan ini saya buat,besar harapan saya dapat di terima di perusaan yang bapak/ibu pimpin.
Atas perhatian,waktu dan bantuannya saya ucapkan banyak terimakasih.

                                                                                                           Hotmat saya

                                                                                                          Sovyan Tomcat


Hai kawan kawan kali ini saya akan memberikan tips bagi anda yang mau melamar pekerjaan pada perusahaan yang isi psikotest nya ada test gambar. Langsung aja yah
Cara nya adalah :
1. Persiapkan alat alat yang mendukung untuk tes ini dan usahakan alat tersebut memenuhi standar kelayakan untuk tes ini.
2. Perhatikan gambar soal yang akan anda kerjakan,biasanya soal berbentuk gambar yang belum selesai dan ada dua kategori yang masuk pada jenis test ini yaitu kategori garis lurus atau garis lengkung.
3. Usahakan anda memilih gambar yang gampang anda kerjakan dan yang sulit anda kerjakan di kerjakan pada akhir.
4. Untuk pengerjaan garis lurus usahakan anda melanjutkan gambar tersebut dengan gambar benda benda mati contoh : meja,piramida,pagar dan lain sebagainya.
5. Dan untuk pengerjaan gambar yang berbentuk lengkungan usahakan anda melanjutkannya dengan gambar benda hidup contoh : Manusia,bunga,atau hewan
6. Berilah nomer pada luar kolom berurutan sesuai pengerjaan anda,
7. Tuliskan benda benda tersebut di sisa kertas bawah sesuai nomer urut yang anda kerjakan tadi.
8. Pilih lah gambar yang anda sukai dan berikan penjelasannya.
9. Pilih juga gambar yang anda tidak sukai dan berikan penjelasannya.
10. Usahakan gambar yang anda sukai bersangkutan dengan perusahaan yang anda memberikan test tersebut, contohnya anda melamar di perusahaan mobil dan anda menggambar mobil serta memilihnya sebagai gambar yang anda sukai berikan penjelasan yang menarik untuk menjelaskan anda layak bekerja di pabrik tersebut.

Demikian beberapa tips menyelesaikan prikotes gambar dari saya,
Semoga tips dari saya ini berguna bagi anda.!


Friday 18 December 2015

Bandung tourist shuttle service (motorcycle)

When you walk into the city of Bandung and you are confused about the trip did not know the way or take a taxi too complicated to traffic jams, you can hire this service on Saturdays and Sundays, the service uses a motorcycle and do not be afraid also to safety, my almost 5 years participate in a motorcycle club and walking paths to areas that may be in the hundreds or even thousands of kilometers, my experience in driving enough to bring you to your destination :) do not be sad for women and unlike most other services, these services among you can say young and handsome native Indonesia as well;) to order you can send a short message to the phone number below

CP: 083825156824 (Whatsapps massanger)
Sovyan Tomcat
or on facebook

Wednesday 16 December 2015


     Rudimentary morning sun reveals itself in a towering mountain peak covered much sky, drip-by-drip dew seemed to give freshness to the grass waving in the breeze seemed to welcome the small sun that seemed to be showing the 12-hour figure is hiding somewhere. laughter small child in an old hut which probably can not wait to run, play or activities that make him happy. dimly lit seen the child opened the door and bring a glass of rice he used to sprinkle on chicken feed that she had on the morning after he woke up, the child began to fall on all fours on the bale bamboo tall adult knee, one by one chicken went up to the child until the child is surrounded by a lot of chicken, this kid comes from a village in the town sumedang (INDONESIA), which was born of the family under the simple word, he was born on 19,03,1992, black and small, live according to him is always sweet, because at that moment he did not know and understand what the meaning of life. Sun continues to rotate to follow the shaft as well as the time goes on tirelessly.    A short children's story that gradually grows with a sweet smile that smile when she began to learn what it means to live, his entrance him to the elementary school, the first school in Indonesia in 1998-1999 time he was six years old, she was always in the first week escorted by her father or mother, walking toward the school,through a small street in the middle of corn fields and cassava, with grasping money 500 rupiah may currently only be in exchange for a three-candy, but step by step he enjoyed with a smile even though her shoes a little damp from the dew clinging to the grass, but he lived with spirit. "but all this is the beginning of a new child", scolds his mother reminds the child son of his only reply with a small smile did not understand what his mother said, a week had he attended elementary school and began to feel the difference between him and his friends, the longer the more he felt the difference is, he never asked her in a tone slightly afraid she said "mother why my pocket money is only enough to buy five small grains fried meatballs.?" "while my friends can three times to buy food for himself." his mother was stunned to see her son asked about it, gently he replied "we are different with their son, let alone give an allowance large, can be eaten with fried tofu wrote us already grateful, you are still lucky to bring pocket money, although only sell to buy 3 eggs fried meatballs, maybe someday you will not take him in when our finances were no income "as he rubbed his hair were again downcast. The more he thought about it the more he understood and began to touch the rigors of life, "it was afternoon my son entered the house and went to sleep" always so every afternoon if no homework from school he went to sleep, his desire to watch television only during the day, it also passengers watch to its neighbors. Crickets accompany a lonely night, a cold wind through the walls made of woven bamboo bone-chilling, at a time like this was her heart began to ask "why I created different from the others.?" but usually it is forgotten by severe drowsiness, may cure only that SLEEP, and perhaps not forever, and sleep is not going to change everything, but he could just be patient and be patient. When the holidays arrive he played only marbles with his friends, in every game there must be chatter chatter and chided, there is only that he received when he was playing with his friends, some say the chicken house because perhaps his house blend with the chicken coop, he does not never angry first maybe he thought what was said a friend of his was true, to both him afraid of his friends who are always in the arts by his parents, the little black always hold her sorrow until the lashing, it makes him stronger to accept the scolding scolding next,
in life he was always patient with all the trials, six months have passed with all her pain she continued to learn to keep the pain itself may he thinks only he should feel the pain of insults they were not to be heard by parents, the shoes he once wore to school jet black now black fading and already damaged, socks that were once tightly stuck to his feet now sagging sagging on one knee, he was thinking of buying beraspun mother has trouble afford moreover I'm in traded a pair of new shoes and socks, he chose silence is not never complained about it.! the splashing rain steps tired to think of anything he wants, and see his friends he was jealous but he was never envious, every friend must have been in between picked up from school by bringing umbrellas or protective rain more, but he just rely on banana leaves that he taken from plantations in the street, because his parents are busy with farming to pay for school, he never expected to come home already available warm rice and side dishes, just cold rice overnight available, because he knows his mother must not come home from the garden, home school he or she is not silent, he immediately lit a brazier to warm rice for him and his mother to eat, or not cold rice that she made fried rice, because that's what he can and he able, to add flavor he adds a little flavor, do not have to wait long after he finished frying the rice, he set aside the fried rice is to the mother if her mother's home, with a plate made of zinc him eat greedily as if he did not care lack of the side dishes friend rice, after eating she was rushed to the dressing and dwell in huts whose floor is made of bamboo board, when he saw a glass window and saw a woman wearing a hat that aga little running because of the rain, he was a little grin when he is convinced that is his mother, he opened the back door and innocently said "my mother cooked rice left in the basket of rice last night, and I menyisakannya to mother" with his little hand she gave a plate of fried rice to his mother, with a smile of his mother replied, "if you have eaten my son .? " , "already ma'am, I've had enough" he took his mother to drink. "had my son let mothers take their own" continued her mother who forbids her to fetch drinking water in a water weight,"you're my strong child" said her mother, "the day before the afternoon showers and the sooner you do your school work" is not much to say he went to take a bath.Day after day goes up does not feel he was growing up, twelve years have passed, now he had graduated from vocational schools in the city sumedang, with sacrifice and hard work of his parents now he can choose the best path for his own destiny. "now I've graduated from this vocational school, I might not continue to trouble a mother, I will prove to them that always makes my heart a little worse with their chatter" in his heart he grumbled.! lapse of two months from the graduation of her he received in a company's bricks are light as a mechanical machine in the city of offerings over the years, little by little his life changed though not thrive but he sure suatusaat dust he collected item by grain will produce sand dune large, after the employment contract in the company ended he continued to try a different company from the department, such as being a driver forklift, to be programmers support in an enterprise network, up to now he is still sticking with his harsh life and insults before the time comes, I I am aware that once just an ordinary butterfly larvae, has now become a beautiful butterfly steel though not perfect.!
"people whose dependence with his parents will affect not good for its future"

Sunday 8 November 2015

Defense cave in the colonial period in the city sumedang


This cave was built during World War 1 or 1914 until 1917 and then inaugurated in 1918 by the Dutch governance for fortress and prison.! but at this time of the cave turned into tourist attractions as well traces the city's history sumedang. !

and I have now become converted to local and foreign tourist.!

Thursday 5 November 2015

Tourist attractions in town knows (SUMEDANG)

   Welcome back connoisseurs Indonesian tourist.! how are you.? I'm sure you are satisfied with a beautiful Indonesian tourist attractions, cheap, friendly people friendly.!
Thank you for visiting.!
This time I am going to show the sights that may have never heard about this sumedang in town.!
terraced waterfall is located in the hamlet citengah sumedang districts are often dubbed the city know, to get to this place, you can use public transport or service the motor of rural transport, which is taken quite a distance away from the city center about 45 minutes using rural transportation.! along the way you will feel the cool mountain air in presenting the beautiful rocky river, as well as the rice paddies began to turn yellow.! You do not need to spend too much to get into this area enough to pay 12,000 rupiah or approximately $ .1 for local tourists, if you want to enjoy the coolness of vast tea plantations you just walk 200 meters from the waterfall to the top of the hill you citengah will find tea plantations spoil your eyes.!
A few of my friends information may be useful and hopefully this information can eliminate the fatigue of your leisure time.!
Hatur Nuhun